March 29th, 2009

Short clip from Hercules of Belgium Air Force with Avia BH5 on board landing at CIAF airshow at Brno-Tuřany airfield on 6th September 2008.

August 25th, 2008

Short clip from Avia planes landing at Bad Neuenahr airfield on 27th July, shots by Stefan Frank and Stefan Schaefer.

Higher quality clip could be found here (18MB WMV).

July 30th, 2008

Maybe you know via media, that after our evening preparations for departure on Tuesday, one of our support cars had broken on parking place in Grimbergen (how we are watching back, we couldn´t have better place for accident:) ) The original engine from 1923 was working like a clock, but 4 years old VW Transporter has broken. And because Avia BH-5 needs a special fuel (low octan number, around 60), which was transported by the broken VW Transporter, she couldn´t fly back to Prague. Finnaly was decided, that back to Prague will fly just Avia BH 1 with Marcel Sezemský and support Cessna 150 with Martin Feifar and Honza Černý. The airplanes departure around 11:45 and half our ground support team with Nissan Pathfinder is leaving with a half hour delay after planes due the super beer.

The planes copies the arrival route, Avia BH 1 refuels at the airports. The planes and Nissan Pathfinder come to Coburg almost in the same time and after quick refueling of BH-1, she is entering the last leg of the Wednesday route. The BH-1 lands in T chov few minutes after 20:30 and it´s clear, that Marcel Sezemský has made a abnormal flight - he flew from Belgium to the Czech Republic with technologically 90 years old plane in record time 8 hours and 50 minutes. Paradox is, that this record flight was allowed by the broken VW, so the Avia BH 5 couldn´t fly and we didn´t have to wait to cool the engine before every start.

Avia BH 5 will be exhibited in Brussel museum to September, when her wings will be fold in and she will be transported by C-130 Hercules of the Belgium Air Force to CIAF airshow in Brno (CZ).

In the end there was an upleasant matter, after night landing of Cessna in Prague-Ruzyně, the pilots had to pay 125 Euro (3000Kč) of the landing fees. The whole team of Czechoslovak Historic Flight represented the Czech Republic abroad for these five days. And the Prague Ruzyne airport didn´t hasitate to flay the crew of Cessna. We can see what relation to czech history and aviation has got Prague Ruzyne airport.

Avia BH-1 and Cessna 150 take-off from Grimbergen, back to home, broken VW and trip back to home in Nissan.

Early-evening Coburg, aircrafts departure to the last leg to Tachov.

Arrival of Cessna to Prague-Ruzyně

July 29th, 2008

Today, on Thuesday July 29th, we plan to take off from Kiewit (Zonhofen) between 2 and 3PM. The landing on Grimbergen (EBGB) will be at 16:00. Watch this site for actual information.

Both Avias during sunrise at Kiewit (Zonhoven)

Sight-seeing flights with Martins Cessna in the fornoon

Landing in Grimbergen and evening with czech ambassador

July 28th, 2008

Report Milana Mikuleckého z pondělí 28. července

Dnešní den začal velice nadějně, aby se později stal prvním během našeho letu, kdy jsme se museli vracet na výchozí letiště. Přitom od rána bylo všechno v nejlepším pořádku, letadla byla připravená už od včerejšího večera, stačilo je vytáhnout z hangáru, pořídit skupinové foto s místními plachtaři a nahazovat. Motory u obou Avií naskočili napoprvé a po startu jdeme s Marcelem do dvou průletů, nad letištěm a nasazujeme na trať. Martin s Honzou, kteří nám v Cessně zajišťují navigaci a komunikaci vzlétají po nás a během pěti minut nás dohánějí a zaujímají svojí standardní pozici ve předu. Už je na čase, protože oblačnost začíná houstnout a tlačit se k zemi. Deset minut před přeletem německo – belgické hranice Martin rozhoduje, vracíme se, dohlednost je víc než mizerná a před sebou máme kopce, které nejsou vidět. Po přistání zpět v Bad Neuenahr okamžitě voláme náš pozemní doprovod, který se musí také vrátit. Musíme zde vyčkat minimálně dvě až tři hodiny, ale než dorazí kluci – mechanici nemáme co na práci a jdeme na oběd. Všechno zlé je k něčemu dobré, seznamujeme se s místním kuchtíkem a to se nám bude o pár hodin později zatraceně hodit. Kluci se okamžitě po příjezdu vrhají na obě letadla, všechny svíčky dolu, vyčistit, zkontrolovat motor, doplnit olej, vše promazat a protože už se lepší počasí, zkusit startovat. Bohužel teploty hlav válců jsou stále příliš vysoko a nyní přichází hvězdná hodina letištního kuchaře. Postupně jsme mu zlikvidovaly veškeré zásoby ledu, kterými v igelitových sáčcích obkládáme motor. I tak se později s Marcelem zapotíme a navztekáme při nahazování. Nzetka prostě ráda startuje pouze za studena. Znovu start, tentokrát bez parádiček a odlet přímo na trasu. Když dolétáme na místo kde jsme ráno museli otočit, vidíme to co ráno bylo v mracích, lesy, jezera, a pořádné kopce. Zjišťuji, že Belgie rozhodně není vhodná země pro případná nouzová přistání, na každém kousku země něco stojí. Prolétáváme malou přeháňku a snažím se nevnímat Martinova hlášení o tom kolik času nám zbývá na cílové letiště, když hlásí polovinu letu a záložní letiště do pěti minut musím se hodně přemáhat abych nechtěl sedat dřív. Když jsme vyráželi rozhodně jsem netušil, jak fyzicky namáhavé to bude, musím začít víc cvičit. Letiště Hassel u města Zonhoven je půvabný kus trávy mezi domečky z červených cihel. Na zemi už čekají místní novináři a obě Avie se jdou opět předvést. Po přistání mám pocit, že nesedíme na letišti, ale na golfovém hřišti, skoro s lítostí se dívám na rýhu, kterou vyryla ostruha mé Avie. Už jsou u nás lidé, kteří tady na nás od rána čekali a opět je nutné připravit letadla na zítřejší let.

Bad Neuenahr

Kiewit (Zonhoven)

Our fan from Maastricht (on last photo) arrived on Kiewit airfield at 10AM and waited for delayed landing which occured approximately at 6PM. Moreover he stayed with us till the dusk. It was nice to meet such patient aviation fan.

July 27th, 2008

After nanecessary preparation it was decided to change next airport due too short runway in Ober-Mörlen. Group of planes took off few minutes after 10AM.

Today´s first stop was in Gelnhausen (EDFG), 50km to the east from Frankfurt. It´s wonderful airport with kind personal. Engine Walter NZ60 in Avia BH-5 didn´t want to start and the thunderstorms were coming from the east.At the last moment the engine started and all the planes could departure to next airport Bad-Neuenahr. After we checked the weather, we decided to stay in Bad-Neuenahr over night - Avias were in the hangar, Cessna stayed outside. Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler is wonderful airport with kind people and we were invited at barbecue in the evening.

We met Czech native, who lives in Germany with his girlfriend at the airport Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. They come to see us from 100km far city. We were pleased by this visitation, thank you.

Sunday July 27th, departure from Coburg


Bad Neuenahr - landing at the airport, anchoring of Cessna, night small hangarparty

July 26th, 2008

Both Avia planes took off today with after a short delay at 10:15. Approximately one hundred spectators and journalists came to see the departure to Brussels. Planes, Avia BH1 piloted by Marcel Sezemsky and Avia BH5 piloted by Milan Mikulecky, made a few circles around the Praha - Letnany airfield, made a few low passes and departed southeast towards Praha - Tocna airfield. Wooden planes are beeing followed by Cessna 172 OK-VVV and Cessna 150. The rest of the team travels in two support cars.

Honza Fiala alias Amálka, organizator of the virtual flight to Brussel on VATSIM.

near noon
Planes landed near town of Tachov where the mayor of Tachov came to greet us. After refueling we will continue on to Coburg, Germany. We will take off around 2PM. Paradoxicaly the beautiful weather did not enable us to take passengers because the resulting thinner air was not creating enough lift to carry the extra weight. Howewer the weather helped in the form of eastern wind which got us to our destination faster. During our flights over castles and the countryside people noticed us and waved.

12:10 AM
Pavel Ryba, the support van driver:

"At the moment we are pressing the limits of the human endurance by sitting in this van with no air conditioning. The gasoline fuel fumes ande lemon scend of windshield washer filling made for an explosive combination."

2:45 PM
Departure from Tachov airfield.

3:47 PM
Landing at beautiful Coburg airport. The view is breathtaking, the panorama of a medieval castle beside the runway takes your breath away. But what is a real breathstopper is finding out that the runway has a 17 degree slope, making it unclear as to whether the Avia can in fact stop or not. The first to land are the boys in the Cessna, who have been securring our communications. At the exact moment when Marcel in his BH 1 is getting ready to make his final decent, there was a sudden change of wind, hitting him directly in the side, so he had to use the full width of the landing strip. After the "Boska" landed a gust of wind eliminated any chance of Milan stopping (he has no brakes)on the grass and he crossed over onto the asphalt runway. That was, however, all the dramatic events of our flying team for the day. For our ground team that was not the case. Both our Avia's created quite a stir among the locals, even a police helicopter arrived on the scene, hovering over our Avia's, and then landing. Fortunately, Simir Gerchan from Cobra 11, did not get out from it, so our Avia's will be able to start off tommorow again for their final leg. The arrival of our ground team was not without some humor. That includes the crew of the Pathfinder, whose GPS took them through all corners of Germany, but coudln't get them to the airfiled at Coburg. Eventually, thanks to the great off road qualities of their car, they found us in time.

July 23rd, 2008

You are kindly welcomed to the public-opened start of our flight from Praha-Letnany airfield which is planned on Saturday July 26th at 9AM local time.

The first leg route is Praha - Tocna airfield, Karlstejn castle, Tocnik castle, Zebrak castle, Zbiroh castle. Landing on Tachov airfield (LKTD) is expected between 10:30AM and 11:30AM.

July 22nd, 2008

The truncated message from one of organizers and participants of VATSIM action:

"We follow the route of the real flightplan. Each leg starts cca at 20:00PM CET, lasts a bit more than one hour, speed is 75 kias, ground speed around 70 knots. We have no problems with navigation. I'm a bit surprised the navigation is quite easy. We "sleep" in Coburg now and will fly to Frankfurt Ober-Mörlen at 21:30PM CET. German pilots join our action, helicopters patrol around :) We fly the group of six pilots, 3 of these are Avia BH-5s, others are Cessna, Piper and Zlin 226M. Arrival to Brussels is planned on Friday afternoon. All information are on this board."

July 21st, 2008

VATSIM event continues over Germany now.

July 20th, 2008

If you own the Microsoft's Flight Simulator and fly online on VATSIM, you can try your own flight to Brussels. We will select one participant randomly and will invite him to take a flight on our Avia BH 5 airplane. All other participants are welcomed on airport that day. The day will be published after agreement with the winner. To participate in the competition user must meet given conditions which are described on VATSIM discussion boards. The virtual flight starts today.
All the information are on czech VATSIM discussion board, some important information are also on Contact czech VATSIM staff (PavelS) for more information. The competition will probably realize also on IVAO network, we will inform you as soon as possible.

July 19th, 2008

The flight to Brussels has it's own website since today. Seven days remain to departure.

July 18th, 2008

Preparations in Brussels

July 14th, 2008

The first official briefing with more than 30 journalists. Some photos here.