For the production of Flyboys film, we participated in the production of several pieces of legendary French fight aircraft replicas from first World War Nieuport Nie 17. Replicas were handed over based on the requirements of client, that is without engine, it’s shield, weaponry and pilot equipment. Replicas were created in 1:1 scale based on former drawings, using original materials as much as possible.

Nieuport 17 aircraft was similar to it’s predecessor Nieuport 11, but with more powerful engine, larger wings and more advanced construction. The aircraft appeared for the first time above the west front in March 1916. Except French air force it has been used by British, American, Belgian, Russian and Italian. It’s copy was produced in Germany as Siemens-Schukert D.III.


Engine:  Le Rhône 9J
Power:  110 HP)
Wingspan:  8,22 m
Length:  5,74 m
Empty weight:  460 kg
Take-off weight:  560 kg
Maximum speed:  164 kph
Service ceiling:  5300 m
Range:  249 km